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It really depends on how far you want to go with your tank. Fish start out at only $5, but can go up to upwards of $200. Starting up your tank is where you normally spend the most money because you have to get many supplies etc; Tank, sand, rock, water, filter. Corals are the same way. You can get corals that have already grown large and they will cost you more, but if you want to watch them grow when they are small, you’ll spend a lot less.

You are basically doing the same steps to take care of the fish tank. The biggest difference in the fish is that saltwater fish are a lot more fragile. Freshwater fish are more hardier in that they can handle if the tank spikes or there is aggression in the tank. Saltwater fish take a little bit more care to make sure they stay healthy and happy. Also saltwater requires that you do a 20% water change once a month to keep the essential elements in the water stable.

You can actually have a tank as small as a 3 gallon desktop tank. Now you will be limited on what you can do for the tank, but the tank does not have to be huge. One of the best size tanks to start off with is a 75 gallon because it gives you plenty of room to create a nice rock structure and opens you up to a choice of hundreds of fish and corals.

We make saltwater 24/7 at the fish store for only $1 per gallon. And we also make reverse osmosis freshwater for $.50 per gallon. It’s a lot easier to buy the saltwater from us rather than trying to mix it yourself at the house, but even then, we do sell bags of salt.

We try to get a shipment of dry goods and live fish and corals in once a week. That way the store will have something new to look at every time you come in!

We are primarily a saltwater fish store, HOWEVER, we sell everything you would need to take care of a freshwater tank. We also service many freshwater tanks and can set one up for you.